October 18th, 2021: Lab members Shannon and Lindsey presented early pilot data as a poster in the Association for Behavioral Therapies annual conference through the Clinical Psychology at Liberal Arts College SIG.

September 17, 2021: Shannon and Lindsey presented their SURE research at the SURE Poster Session

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May 27, 2021: Awarded a Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE) Project Funding

Project Description: Shannon Curran ‘22 and Lindsey Walsh ‘23 will work with Stephanie Ernestus, Assistant Professor of Psychology, on ALICE Training Literature Review and Research Design. ALICE Training sessions, conducted by campus police officers, are designed to provide students with training on response options in the event of a school shooting. What is notable about ALICE Training is that officers simulate a live active shooting by firing blanks to replicate gunfire and shooting students in the body or head using Airsoft guns (ALICE Training Institute, 2020). The current proposal has two aims: 1) write a literature review paper on ALICE Training and other active shooter trainings, focusing specifically on elucidating the underlying theory and research on a) the psychological effects from trainings, and b) the trainings’ efficacy. 2) Through the knowledge that will be gained from the literature review, and in consultation with Stonehill Campus Police Officers, they will develop an empirical research protocol to be implemented in Fall 2021. The designed study will examine the effects of ALICE Training on fear, anxiety, and preparedness of Stonehill students. These two aims will add to the extant research on active-shooter trainings, addressing a significant gap and helping to inform institutional participation in ALICE Training at Stonehill and beyond. They hope to publish their findings in a peer-reviewed journal and present at a major psychology conference.  

Read Full Award Notice: Here

July 14th, 2020: Invited Talk

Dr. Ernestus and senior lab member Alexis Christie gave an invited talk on Health Disparities in the Covid-19 Epidemic for incoming first-year students at Stonehill enrolled in the Covid-19 and Big Questions Course.

Dr. Ernestus and senior lab member Alexis Christie gave an invited talk on Health Disparities in the Covid-19 Epidemic for incoming first-year students at Stonehill enrolled in the Covid-19 and Big Questions Course.